Sleeve Tattoo Designs - Tribal, Dragon, Flower and Japanese Tattoos on Your Arms
Sleeve tattoos, also called tattoo sleeve refer to body art done on the arms or legs that cover and wrap around majority of the area as if forming a sleeve. This type of tat theme is rendered in three ways, half sleeve, quarter and full sleeve tattoos which all refer to the length of the designs.
There are prominent designs for tattoo sleeve that can be popularly seen among tat enthusiasts. These are tribal art, dragon, flower and Japanese symbols. They are favored because of their artistic appeal and the fact that they naturally hug the natural curves of the arms or legs making them appear distinctively on the said areas. Moreover, they are classic designs that are timeless and meaningful making the tattoos even more significant.
Tribal art for sleeve tattoos are generally the background that collaborate or put together all the small or large designs on the sleeve. Though it can not be denied that some choose tribal lines and curves as the star of their tattoo sleeve especially the male population. Women, on the other hand, who favor sleeve tattoos gravitate towards flower designs such as cherry blossoms, lotus and lily. Japanese symbols like koi fish, dragon and kanji are also popular for both men and women alike.
When going for sleeve tattoo designs, make sure that you choose tattoo art that you thought of well. You would not want to waste such precious canvas for meaningless or rubbish images that would not compliment your arm or leg. Moreover, if you are able to pick out a tattoo design that you truly love, make sure that you work with a professional and reputable tattoo artist to assure that your tattoo can be executed perfectly.(
Find out the other guide on Tattoo Ideas.