What You Should Know About Fairy Tattoos
Body art takes on various forms in different cultures and at different times. In war time it was fashionable for sailors to have a swallow, an anchor or a star tattooed on their forearms. Nowadays tattoo art has gone beyond the tribal and the traditional to include all kinds of designs.
In recent years there has been a growing interest in fairies. Everywhere that you go you see pictures of fairies and fairy ornaments. The world of tattoo art has been no exception and an increasing number of women are now sporting fairy tattoos. For most of us fairies are associated with childhood, with a never-never land where no-one suffers and everyone lives for ever. Fairies are also associated with freedom, the ability to fly has long preoccupied us humans and fairies have this ability.
There are many different fairy tattoos each carrying its own meaning and significance for the person carrying that particular design. A fairy tattoo can signify freedom and innocence but in Ireland fairies are believed to be doing the work of the devil. It is believed that fairies live in a sort of underworld who want to bring bad luck to anyone they take a dislike to. However, Walt Disney's fairies were playful and imaginative and this seems to be the way the modern world understands fairies. The colors, the facial expression and the adopted pose are all important when it comes to fairy tattoos. The choices we make if we have a fairy tattoo say as much about us as they do the fairies. Fairy tattoos are most often worn in a place where they can be seen, people want to show off their fairy tattoos.

Fairies are part of almost everyone's folklore and just as with other mythical beings fairies change their appearance and their significance with each succeeding generation. Whether you have a fairy in a white dress or a beautiful wood nymph wrapped in leaves depends upon your taste. In many ancient civilizations it was believed that if you angered the fairies then you could bring disaster on the world. Animal death and crop failure was often blamed on the fact that somebody had upset the fairies. So if you do decide to have a fairy tattoo you could be saying something about the mischievous side of your character. Some people see fairies as exiting and spontaneous beings and you could be telling the world that this is part of your nature.
When you speak about fairies it is often Disney's image of Tinkerbell that comes to mind. Tinkerbell is playfully mischievous and light and frothy. So the wearer of a fairy tattoo might be seen as having a lightness of spirit. When fairies are etched in dark colors then this may be saying something about a darker side. If you do decide to have a mythical being as part of your body art make sure that the design you choose is saying what you want it to say. You have to live with tattoos for a long time so it is as well to be happy with the design that you choose.(EzineArticles.com)
Check out the other guide on Tribal Tattoo.