The History of Hawaiian Tattoos
Hawaiian tattoos have always been popular to natives of the island, and now the rest of the world is catching on. The big, bold and colorful Hawaiian tattoos are in high demand everywhere, and not just among those who have an island heritage.
Besides being valued for their unique beauty, Hawaiian tattoos are special for a number of reasons. They have a deep meaning of self-expression. Those who wear the tattoos are literally painting their thoughts and hopes on their bodies. Hawaiian tattoos are often considered a form of celebration, a rite of passage, or a marking of social order.
The methods used to create Hawaiian tattoos have changed, however. The tradition tattoos were made with a mixture of natural inks, which were then put into the skin by a process that involved natural tools, such as bird's beaks, fish bones and the like.
Though today's Hawaiian tattoos might cover large areas of the body, that was not always the case. In fact, Hawaiian tattoos have evolved with the influence of European designs, and what you see now is not what you would have seen even fifty years ago. For example, the traditional places for tattoos on Hawaiian women included hands, feet, arms, ears and lips.
It's rare today to see a woman having a tattoo placed on her lips! Facial tattooing was a common tradition in Hawaii, however, and it was not unusual to see a man or a woman with tattoos all over his or her face.
Tattoos on men were always bolder and more intricate than those on women. They often told of a person's social status or power in the community. You could tell quite a bit about a person just by looking at the markings on their body.
Hawaiian tattoos are very personal and usually have meanings that are not readily evident. If you are choosing a Hawaiian tattoo, consider whether you want a very traditional one or one of the more modern designs. Talk with your tattoo artist about the meanings behind each symbol before carefully choosing the one that is right for you.(http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Denise_Brienne)
Find out the other guide on Skull Tattoos.