Note to Myself - Remove Tattoo, Improve Life
As we grow older, we often regret decisions we made earlier in our lives because they impact us now that we are "older and wiser." Sometimes tattoos fall into that category. At the time they may have seemed like a good idea, but now they get in the way. The message they convey may not be appropriate, they may stand in the way of job opportunities, or in the case of gang tattoos, they may actually present a danger to your physical well being if the wrong people see them. You want to remove them. And you want to know what tattoo removal methods are available.
Laser Tattoo Removal
This is by far the most popular removal method. Success rate in completely removing the tattoo is generally very high and the chances of scarring are low, although it does occur. It takes multiple treatments to remove a tattoo, the number of treatments varying with the size and complexity of the tattoo. Treatment can be expensive, as much as $10,000 if a large tattoo is being removed.
IPL Therapy
Intense pulsed light therapy is similar to laser in that intense light is used to break up the tattoo ink, but it is not laser. There is generally no scarring and success rate at completely removing the tattoo is high. As with laser, multiple treatments are required. This treatment is more expensive than laser, with cost being charged per pulse.
Tattoo Removal Creams
Removal creams break up the tattoo ink, which is then absorbed by the body. These treatments can be done at home. Cost is comparatively low, with a month's supply of product generally costing around $100. However, many months of treatments are required and success rates vary from the tattoo being completely removed to only being slightly faded. Results generally vary with skin types and the complexity of the tattoo.
Chemical Peels
Chemical peels such as TCA (trichloroacetic acid) actually remove minute layers of skin. As with creams, many treatments are required to achieve the desired results. Results are generally better than with creams, but the tattoo may not be completely removed, and in some cases skin pigmentation changes have been noted. Cost is comparable with tattoo removal creams.
Remove Tattoo by Tattoo Excision
Cutting out the tattoo is not as common as it once was, not that laser removal is available, but it is still used. The tattoo is cut out and the skin is sewn back together. The upside is that the tattoo is completely removed. The downside is that you will be left with a scar.
As you can see, there are many tattoo removal methods. With proper research you will find one that meets your needs and the note to yourself to, "Remove Tattoo, Improve Life" will be a reality rather just an entry in your to-do file.(
Find out the other information on Tattoos Designs.